"On Top" button

Freddie Ruddick frederific at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 25 19:16:37 UTC 2007

Hi there,

One of the features I like best about Ubuntu over Windows, is that you
can make any window on top. However, I would like a way to add a
button to do it, next to the minimise/maximise/close buttons in the
top right corner, so I don't have to click on the icon, then click on
top. I have seen a screenshot[0] of gtkpod (not on Ubuntu) with this
button, so it should be  possible.

Does anyone know how to get an "on top" button next to
close/maximise/minimise in the top right?

Thanks a lot

Freddie :)


Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

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