Cropping photos (Astronomy, Graphics & Video Software [WAS: VMWare / Wine))

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sun Feb 25 07:11:26 UTC 2007

Eric Dunbar wrote:
> On 24/02/07, Matthew Flaschen <matthew.flaschen at> wrote:
>> Eric Dunbar wrote:
>>> I must agree -- cropping images just doesn't seem to exist in FLOSS.
>>> Recently I was trying to use only FLOSS to set up a file (so that I
>>> knew I could tell some students it was possible). I tried,
>>> Abiword and GIMP and ended up firing up MS Word because the FL/OSS
>>> couldn't manage to present an intuitive cropping facility. GIMP could
>>> but it was nowhere quick, Abiword and simply couldn't manage it
>>> (I think one of the two offered an interface that you could TYPE in
>>> some constraints but this is 2007, NOT 1984!!!).
>> That's apparently OO (even in Draw), which I agree is a major
>> deficiency.  It's a known bug
>> (
>>> Anyway, my encounter with and Abiword wasn't all bad. is
>>> as oversized as Word without some of the more useful pieces of Word
>>> (most notably Word compatibility ;-)
>> The compatibility has usually worked for me.  What problems have you had?

> 100%
> compatibility is vitally important.

It's also very difficult since Word format is poorly documented.  I
haven't had many problems, but that could just be because I don't use
sophisticated formatting.

> In time either will either get better at handling Word

This will happen.  It helps that Office Open XML is better documented
(thanks to pressure from OpenDocument; it's still meant to be
MS-specific) than any prior Word format.

 or else
> people will start using open standards for their word processing
> documents (I expect the former will happen before the latter :-(.

Hopefully the latter will happen in time though. :)

Matthew Flaschen

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