Unable to install from alternate CD

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sat Feb 24 21:09:35 UTC 2007

Christoph Bier wrote:
> Nicolai Spohrer schrieb am 24.02.2007 18:19:
>> Christoph Bier schrieb:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to install Edgy from the alternate CD because I want to use
>>> LVM. Unfortunately my IDE controller (ITE 8211F) isn't detected by
>>> the alternate CD whereas the live CD detects it correctly.
>>> Furthermore the menu doesn't offer the appropriate driver (it821x)
>>> for this controller. What can I do now?
>> Well, did you check de ISO's md5sum?
> Yes, I did. They were the same.
>> If it's correct, did you try it
>> with another cd (you shouldn't burn with 100% speed!)
> ?? How can burn speed influence the hardware detection rate of the
> installer? But ok, I tried with -speed=8 instead of
> -speed=52---nothing changed: ITE controller isn't detected and the
> corresponding module not offered.
> Thanks for your answer!
> BTW: I'd much appreciate an explanation how burn speed can influence
> the hardware detection of the installer.

It think it can't, unless there's a particularly unlikely kind file

Matthew Flaschen

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