
Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Thu Feb 22 20:26:37 UTC 2007

On 02/22/2007 05:50 AM, Eric Dunbar wrote:
> On 21/02/07, Patton Echols <p.echols at comcast.net> wrote:
>> This is not really a Ubuntu specific question, but a pointer in the
>> right direction would be great.  I've looked around the web about VMware
>> but I think my questions are so basic that the answers are assumed . . .
>> or I could be looking in the wrong places.
>> I read an article recently about maintaining a network of windows
>> desktops by running linux on each desktop and then using Vmware to load
>> windows on each one from a single windows XP image maintained on a server.
>> I volunteer with an educational non profit that maintains a computer
>> lab.  The lab computers are quite old (and have been "ridden hard") and
>> need replacement.  Because of the need to reimage the drives when
>> students break the windows install, our computer guy says it is
>> important to keep a number of identical boxes, rather than replace them
>> as needed the way non profit organizations are likely to do.
> Why don't you lock down the Windows XP images? It's quite possible to
> lock Windows XP Pro down tighter than fort Knox. 

Well the desktops are running Win2000.  AFAIK that was chosen over 
Win-ME (at the time the other "up to date" option) due to more stability 
and the ability to lock it down.  The problem is that when software 
updates are needed, each machine requires an update.  New programs, same 
thing.  Since we don't have anyone in-house with the skill set, we end 
up paying about $10 to $12k per year for support services. 

Back tracking a bit from my previous post: I suppose I really don't know 
how much time goes to server maint, how much to updates, and how much to 
fixing boxes with "broken" software.  But I'm told there are significant 
amounts of each.

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