VMWare / Wine

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Thu Feb 22 20:02:44 UTC 2007

This is a new thread but related to my last question about VMWare.  That 
last discussion took a turn to discussing thin clients in the 
educational setting.  A good discussion on its own but raises additional 
questions for me.

My understanding is that wine can be used for running individual windows 
apps under linux.  vmware is used for running an entire windows (or 
other os) environment under linux.  Currently my laptop can dual boot 
Ubuntu Edgy and XP home.  Though I have moved the majority of my digital 
life to Ubuntu, there are still some windows apps that I need to keep.  
I have not yet figured out either wine or vmware. 

In either case, my understanding is that I can run wine / VM  and point 
to the Win program / partition to run.  The difference as I see it is 
that Vmware would give access to the entire windows desktop while wine 
would just run the program.  Again, this is probably one of those things 
that is obvious once you have worked with it even a little bit, I've 
been reading but have not attempted to do either.  I had mostly 
concluded from reading that the VMWare route was the better choice, but 
since it takes more setup, I had not gotten to it yet.  The recent 
edubuntu / ltsp thread makes me wonder whether I need to do more 
thinking on the subject.

Does anyone have thoughts on why I should choose one route over the other?


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