Two NICs for the price of one?

gary hypes ghypes at
Thu Feb 22 18:39:58 UTC 2007

I spent a couple of weeks of exasperation trying to get my dual-boot
WinXP/Ubuntu 6.10 system trying to recognize my Netgear WG311T wireless
adapter, with no luck -- the XP side saw the card immediately, Ubuntu
wouldn't recognize it at all. It tried modprobe ath_pci, I played with
ndiswrapper (never did figure it out), tried the card in a different slot,

Then, on a whim, I tried my son's Netgear 54MBPS USB wireless adapter, and
voila! the system saw the device immediately.

Now, to the next hurdle: in the network configuration manager, two devices
pop up: one is clearly the USB adapter, but it also sees a device that it
interprets to be a modem, even though there is no modem attached. Under
"properties" it is clearly referring to a dial-up modem. Could it possibly
be seeing the wireless router that the adapter is broadcasting to, and
interpreting that as a modem?

Gary Hypes

"Everything I know I learned at"
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