Firefox handling .kml and other file types

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Wed Feb 21 23:59:37 UTC 2007

Steven Heimann wrote:
> I am having some trouble getting Firefox on Edgy to handle
> google-earth .kml files correctly.  When pointed to a .kml file firefox
> just displays the text of the file without asking me if I want to save
> the file and/or use another application to open the file. I would like
> to configure it to use googleearth to open the file.
> I have tried looking in Edit - Preferences - Content - Filetypes -
> Manage without success.
> Could someone please explain how to modify Firefox's behaviour with
> various file types.

I've always found Firefox very dicey in this area; I'm also using 1.5.
Sorry I can't help.


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