[OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Automatically duplicate files

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Wed Feb 21 19:05:05 UTC 2007

nodata wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 21.02.2007, 12:10 +0000 schrieb GyroTech:
>> Bazooka Joe wrote:
>>> man rsync
>> Thanks a lot :-) Can rsync run as a background task, automatically 
>> updating as changes happen or should I just add it as a cron job??
>> Thanks
> cron.

AFAIK rsync itself won't do that, you'd need some kind of system daemon 
and I don't think cron is up to it. Only thing I know of that can do 
what you're talking about is called launchd, this uses XML formatted 
plist files and can invoke rsync when contents of a specified point are 
accessed/altered. Thing is, this is a super-daemon and only for OS X, 
but I do think the source was released, so maybe you could adapt it!!

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