Ubuntu VMWare Export to others (best solution?)

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Feb 21 00:57:55 UTC 2007

Michael Matthews wrote:

> First of all, does anybody know if a VM that is sent to another person
> will
> get a whole new UUID?  My problems are mostly Ubuntu-related, but this
> little bit of information would help.

If I've understood the VM configuration properly, it's your choice -
uuid.action = "create"
will force each the creation of a new uuid.  Specifying uuid.location &
uuid.bios without uuid.action will use the old values - but you'll be asked
(at least I was) whether that's the correct action.

> The other solution that I've seen is to edit or delete
> /etc/udev/rules.d/25-
> iftab.rules.  I've done this, and it SEEMS like the system is working just
> fine, but are there any gotchas to doing this?  I don't really know how
> this
> file is used by udev in Ubuntu.  It seems like this could cause
> inconsistent naming of the interfaces across reboots (like eth0 will be
> hardware address

It certainly can.  I _don't_ use iftab.rules for my physical ubuntu, and
whether my wired NIC is eth0 or eth1 is random.

> These people may actually be on the same network as me, and thus they
> require a new MAC address.  That's why I'm asking about the VMWare UUID's,
> because I know the MAC addresses are based off of these.  However, when I
> download something like the Ubuntu-based "Browser Appliance" (
> http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/browserapp.html), neither
> am I asked to create a new UUID, nor do I find a way to solve my MAC
> address problem.

That's different.  Regardless of UUID, you can force new MAC addresses to be
generated - just create a vmx at easyvmx.com and take a look at what's in
there.  I think it's just 
 ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
with no mac address specified.  First run will create new ones.

I'm new to this,so I could be wrong, but that's what I've observed :-)

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