opensource nvidia, xinerama

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at
Tue Feb 20 19:24:05 UTC 2007

Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have a nvidia 7600 card. It has one VGA _and_ on DVI output.
> I also have one DVI to VGA (harware) converter.
> Two screens, strictly the same.
> I intend to run Edgy Eft (Kubuntu).
> Is there any possibility that the Xinerama mode will work?
> I mean: sharing a laaaaaaarge desktop on  the two screens
> (not cloning/mirroring) _with_ the opensource drivers. I dont 
> want to use proprietary drivers.
> Is it possible?
> If some has nearly the same hardware, I would ask for their xorg.conf, please.
> Thank you!
> PS: I found some howtos, but thei're ATI/proprietary driver

I use nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT] (rev a2) with one VGA 
and one DVI output and 2 VGA monitors
and I need the proprietary nVidia driver to get the big screen (large 

But I did not try the nv driver a long time ago.


PS: See the link down here :-)


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