scrollkeeper error messages

R Kimber rkimber at
Tue Feb 20 15:31:37 UTC 2007

Since upgrading to Edgy, I have started receiving error messages from
scrollkeeper along the lines of:-

///usr/share/gnome/help/contribute/C/contribute.xml:84: parser error :
Entity 'irc-server' not defined &irc-server;</para>

///usr/share/gnome/help/packagingguide/C/packagingguide.xml:9: I/O
warning : failed to load external entity
"/usr/share/gnome/help/packagingguide/pg-common.ent" %pg-common;

/usr/share/gnome/help/packagingguide/C/getting_started.xml:142: parser
error : Entity 'p.u.c' not defined .deb (from <ulink
url="&p.u.c;">&p.u.c;</ulink>) from the

/usr/share/gnome/help/packagingguide/C/basic.xml:9: I/O warning :
failed to load external entity
"/usr/share/gnome/help/packagingguide/pg-common.ent" %pg-common;

/usr/share/gnome/help/serverguide/C/introduction.xml:7: I/O warning :
failed to load external entity "/usr/share/gnome/help/libs/generic.ent"

/usr/share/gnome/help/serverguide/ru/introduction.xml:19: parser
error : Entity 'sg-title' not defined <para>Welcome to the
<emphasis>&ubuntu; &sg-title;</emphasis>!</para>

And others

Any suggestions as to what is wrong?

- Richard
Richard Kimber

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