How to load Edgy version of a package onto Dapper?

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Feb 20 01:58:00 UTC 2007

On 02/19/2007 05:40 PM, David Symons wrote:
> On 2/20/07, Larry Alkoff <labradley at> wrote:
>> Is there another repository I can try to find the latest vim?
> Larry, the SeveasPackages link I gave you earlier will help you find
> one.  For example it could lead you here:
> You can either download the .deb files directly or follow the
> instructions at the top of that page to add the repository.
> Cheers, Dave.

Those, and the following from ubuntu show 7.0:

Package vim

    * warty (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
      1:6.3-025+1ubuntu2.3: amd64 i386 powerpc
      1:6.3-025+1ubuntu2: amd64 i386 powerpc
    * hoary (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
      1:6.3-046+1ubuntu7.1: amd64 i386 powerpc
      1:6.3-046+1ubuntu7: amd64 i386 powerpc
    * breezy (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
      1:6.3-078+1ubuntu3: amd64 i386 powerpc
    * dapper (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
      1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6: amd64 i386 powerpc
    * edgy (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
      1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5: amd64 i386 powerpc
    * feisty (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
      1:7.0-164+1ubuntu3: amd64 i386 powerpc also shows 7.0, I can't find a 7.1.

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