Remove Preempt [IGNORE]

SteVe Cook yorvik.ubunto at
Mon Feb 19 23:14:18 UTC 2007

Michael R. Head wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 21:02 +0000, SteVe Cook wrote:
>> While messing about I installed the pre-empt module into the kernel, but 
>> I can't find a way to remove it.  Anybody know?
> How did you install them? How do you know they're not removed? What is
> the pre-empt module?
> Usually you can just "sudo modprobe -r pre-empt" or whatever the module
> name is to unload it. As far as removing it from the hard drive, that
> would depend on how it's installed. Is it in a deb package, or will you
> have to manually remove it from /lib/modules/2.... ?
> mike
>> SteVe
Please disregard.
Sorry about that, I don't need to do anything of the sort.
I've got somebodies scribbled notes and managed to get them out of order 
and got very, very confused.


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