com port enable
squareyes at
Sun Feb 18 14:16:05 UTC 2007
Sasikumar Natarajan wrote:
> Hi All,
> i am trying to install ubuntu 6.0.6 version while doing test
> installation my mouse is not working. my mouse is connected in the COM
> PORT.So how can i enable com port. please advise me.
> --
> Thanks in Advance
> Sasikumar
Hi Sasikumar,
the first serial port in Linux is called ttyS0, next ttyS1 and so on.
you could try in a terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and
give your password when asked.and follow the steps,
or in a terminal
get in to this directory: etc/X11/
$ cd /etc/X11/ and *_make a backup of this file_*.
then (if you are using Gnome) open a text editor ( I use gedit but you
could use vim or the text editor in Kde)
$ sudo gedit xorg.conf
this command wiil open a configuration text file,
now, go to section "InputDevice" with de Identifier "Configured Mouse"
and modify the next line:
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Device" "/dev/ttys0" (if the mouse is
on the first serial port)
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Protocol" "Microsoft"
Save and exit
then restart X with crtl+alt+backspace, and it will work
I have had problems with serial mouse, if possible, try a ps2 mouse.
Hope this helps
take care.
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