Conrad Knauer atheoi at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 19:30:10 UTC 2007

On 2/16/07, Michael R. Head <burner at suppressingfire.org> wrote:

> > There is the deborphan command which you need to install (you do on
> > Dapper at least). It's in a package called deborphan, believe it or not.
> >
> > Run the deborphan command and it will give you a list of packages which
> > nothing else depends on. You can use that list to remove unwanted packages.
> >
> > I would check the list first, as it apparently is not completely accurate.
> Also see gtkorphan.

If you install deborphan (one of grkorphan's dependencies BTW :), that
functionality becomes available to Synaptic as well (my preferred
method for using it), you just need to create a new filter (Settings
-> Filters) that checks for them.


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