Eclipse in Edgy

Michael R. Head burner at
Thu Feb 15 21:55:38 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 16:17 -0500, John Dangler wrote:
> Has anyone installed Eclipse in Edgy?  The install seems to go ok, but
> when you try and update anything, or install plug-ins, do you get errors
> that look like this?
> (I've had an open thread on the eclipse newcomers board for a couple of
> days with no replies, so I'm guessing it's either just me, or they're
> not as hospitable as the Ubuntu community.

I don't use the packaged Eclipse, since I want to be able to install

When Eclipse was first packaged for Debian back in the day, there was a
lot of work put in to make sure plugins could be installed to the home
directory. I don't think that code has kept up with the Eclipse
releases. The upshot is that it looks like you're running updates and
trying to write to read-only locations. /usr/lib is a system folder and
therefore you can't modify its contents as a user.

You have a couple options
     1. Somehow attempt to convince Eclipse to have extra installation
        locations - I think this is possible, but I'm not totally sure
     2. Give yourself write access to /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins
        and /usr/lib/eclipse/features
              * You can do this via sudo, but I don't recommend running
                something as big as eclipse via sudo -- that's a big
                security problem
              * The better alternative is to taken ownership
                of /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins
                and /usr/lib/eclipse/features

Warning: I haven't tested this, but that should be a fairly complete
explanation of the problem.

> Unable to complete action for feature "Eclipse Platform" due to errors.
>   Unable to complete action for feature "Eclipse RCP" due to errors.
>     Unable to create file
> "/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg". [/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg (No such file or directory)]
>     Unable to create file
> "/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg". [/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg (No such file or directory)]
>   Unable to complete action for feature "Eclipse RCP" due to errors.
>     Unable to create file
> "/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg". [/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg (No such file or directory)]
>     Unable to create file
> "/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg". [/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg (No such file or directory)]
>   Unable to create file
> "/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg". [/usr/lib/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.rcp_3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq/eclipse_update_120.jpg (No such file or directory)]
Michael R. Head <burner at>
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