Unique names for UMS devices in /media/

Tom Eastman tom.eastman at stonebow.otago.ac.nz
Wed Feb 14 23:12:27 UTC 2007

Hey guys,

I have several different USB Mass Storage devices (cameras, MP3 players, 
memory sticks and removable hard drives).  All of them are correctly 
mounted in /media/ as 'usbdisk' or something similar.

What I would like, though, is for each one to have its own directory 
name.  For example, my mp3 player to come up as '/media/iriver' and my 
camera to come up as /media/fujifilm' or something like that.

I know this can be done on some level, but I'm not sure how deep I have 
to go.  Whether it's something to do with HAL, or udev, or somewhere else.

What do I need to do to get this working?



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