e2fsck on lvm problems

GyroTech gyrotech at freakinabox.com
Tue Feb 13 00:59:40 UTC 2007

I have an lvm2 fs (ext3) that I'm trying to mount. I need to do an 
e2fsck on it but something seems to be breaking the fixes.

fsck.ext3 -f /dev/LVM/store

brings back lots of

Group xxxx's block bitmap (yyyyyyyyyy) is bad. Relocate?
Group xxxx's inode bitmap (yyyyyyyyyy) is bad. Relocate?

for lots of groups, close to 1000. I allow the relocate each time.
then a lot of

Error allocating 1 contiguous block(s) in block group xxxx for block 
bitmap: Could not allocate block in ext2 filesystem
Error allocating 1 contiguous block(s) in block group xxxx for inode 
bitmap: Could not allocate block in ext2 filesystem

For the same groups as before. Then it goes on to make the 2, 3, 4 
passes without problem.

Then I fix block bitmap differences and inode bitmap differences.

Then I get a warning that the file system was modified but still has errors.

I've tried running a bad block check with -c -cc -ck options but nothing 
seems to be able to help. Is this file system totally fubar'd now??

Thanks for any advice.

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