XDMCP remote stopped working

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 12 21:10:25 UTC 2007

On Fr, 2007-02-09 at 21:30 -0600, Jeff wrote:
> When I updated to Edgy from Dapper, XDMCP remote stopped working. I
> upgraded two computers.  One is doing XDMCP remote fine.  The other is
> not.   I am attempting to connect from a Windows machine, using Cygwin
> or Xming.  The blank screen with "X" appears on the machine that stopped
> working.  
> Any ideas?
did you edit the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file directly when you enabled it ?
this file is not supposed to be edited by hand and gets overwritten
during upgrades...

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