Wifi Devices

Charles Yao yaocharlesc at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 13:04:36 UTC 2007

>     I have a PC-card in the machine I drive to work; it was one of the
> Walmart cheapies, and it works very well. It's very, very cold outside,
> or I'd dig up the brand name.  It uses the Atheros chipset, and was only
> like $40 or so.
>     I just wish it had an ex tenable antenna; without it the entire PC
> has to be raised up to get a signal out the windows.  :)
>     I've used the Linksys products for APs; it was nice, but the Belkin
> "Wireless G" is a good little unit, too.  Setting it up is probably a
> LOT easier from Windows, but I don't have that here, so I had to fiddle
> with it.  The unit has good, high speed, is very reliable, and can
> operate in the classic router/firewall mode, or an access point mode,
> where it puts mobile units on the local net.
>     I hear that Orinoco is good, but I've not tried it. AirSnort (for
> packet analysis) has a special driver for it.  Oh- and use
> NetworkManager; it's a handy way to hook up.
>     Let us know what you got, and how ya like it, aye?

Hi Brian,

Any particular model you could refer me to?


"It is unwise to pay to much, but it is worse to pay too little; you
sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of
doing the thing it was bought to do"
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