Linspire / Ubuntu partnership

nodata lsof at
Sat Feb 10 09:18:03 UTC 2007

Am Samstag, den 10.02.2007, 11:34 +0800 schrieb Joel Bryan Juliano:
> On 2/10/07, Matthew Flaschen <matthew.flaschen at> wrote:
>         Patrick Newberry wrote:
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         > Any thoughts on this partnership? Click and run (CNR)  in
>         ubuntu? 
>         Not a fan.  Just makes it easier for proprietary software to
>         creep into
>         an OS that is supposed
>         ( to be
>         libre.  I'm looking into Gnewsense
>         (, a
>         seriously libre version of Ubuntu, again.
>         Matthew Flaschen
> Unfortunately not all users care if the drivers and software their
> using is proprietary or not, 
> an average user will likely to use what's in there, and isn't
> interested that much about it's existence. They probably care more
> about it's user experience and to get their jobs done.

It would be good to have a graph of the proprietary package growth in
Ubuntu. Maybe we could extrapolate what will happen.

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