Upgrade to Edgy [...] sound and video format hell. PARTIALLY SOLVED

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Fri Feb 9 04:24:58 UTC 2007

"Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:

> So this leaves me now with the video format Hell.  I still can't play
> videos in DivX/Xvid format despite having hunted and downloaded a
> DivX6 codec (or what was purported to be a DivX6 codec).
> Interestingly now the error message that pops up is different.  Before
> I hunted down this codec it was complaining that the files (which,
> recall, I played only a few days ago under Dapper without problems)
> were in the unsupported "DivX 5" format.  Now that I have this codec
> it complains that it's in the unsupported "Xvid" format....  I can't
> seem to win for losing on this one.

Which program do you use to play the videos? Can you upload one of them
somewhere so we could get it to try it out?


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