video baby monitor

Matt Price matt.price at
Thu Feb 8 18:14:33 UTC 2007


skype got me thinking about this again.
hopefully this won't lead to my arrest.  

we would like to have a babymonitoring system that lets us go next door
to the neighbours' and have a drink once in a while (they have kidstoo,
so we all feel a little trapped.  We have an audio video monitor which
works well but there are parties in this ocnfiguration who feel
uncomfortable with that set up.  so I've been asked to hook up a video
camera to a laptop to use as a video monitor.  

sooo.. what would be the best way to do this?  would you use something
like wengophone with a webcam (or better, can you do video chat with a
proper video camera connected via firewire?  then we couldget some
decent focus).?  Or should I somehow screencast the images from my
screen (using what, one of those desktop exporters/  not sure).  

anyway just looking for advice.  thx,

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