Boot from external USB drive?

David Abrahams dave at
Thu Feb 8 17:25:09 UTC 2007

Thanks, gentlemen...

"James Silverton" <.jim.silverton at> writes:

> It will work if you can set your BIOS to boot from a USB disc. I 
> don't think I can, more's the pity :-)

I can...

"Mark Warner" <markwarner1954 at> writes:

> It's simple, *if* your machine's bios can be set to boot to usb-hdd
> before hdd. Just install to the drive, and then tell the installer to
> install grub to the mbr of the *external* drive (the one you installed
> Feisty on), *not* hda. Dunno about Feisty, but the Dapper and Edgy Live
> CDs didn't give you this capability with the grub installation -- the
> Alternate CD was required.

Unfortunately it doesn't work for me; I'm getting the GRUB Error 17
described here:

If the issue is in fact slow usb response, maybe I'd fare better with
a pendrive?  I realize it's still USB, of course...

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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