[OT?] Moving to GMail

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 00:28:08 UTC 2007

On 07/02/07, Amichai Rotman <amichai at iglu.org.il> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to move my old mail from KMail to GMail.
> I configured GMail in KMail - but it couldn't authenticate.
> I also have access to an IMAP account, so I add the IMAP account  to both
> KMail and Thunderbird 1.5 so I can transfer mail from KMail to IMAP and then
> from IMAP in Thunderbird to GMail.
How do you expect Tbird to upload the mails to Gmail?

> I have POP access enabled in GMail.
That's for downloading, my friend.

> When I tried to upload 1 message from KMail to IMAP, it dosn't show in the
> IMAP account configured in Thunderbird...
Are you sure that the message go to the IMAP server? Who's hosting it?

> Is there an easy way to do this?

> What am I doing wrong?
You're not simply Forwarding your mails to the Gmail account.

> Thanks!

Dotan Cohen


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