Converting HTML to PDF non-interactively with konqueror or mozilla

Tom Eastman tom.eastman at
Wed Feb 7 21:37:51 UTC 2007

Hey guys,

Here's an interesting puzzle I'm trying to work out, and I was hoping 
someone else might have some insight into.

I need to convert HTML files to PDF files, in large numbers, on a 
regular basis.  There are two tricky points here:

1. I need the process to be non-interactive, something that I can 
further automate with shell-scripts or Makefiles or something.

2. I need the HTML files to be correctly rendered.  Unfortunately, the 
'html2ps' program doesn't interpret the pages well enough, I think it's 
ignoring some of the stylesheets or something.  Otherwise it would be 
ideal for my task.

Both konqueror (khtml) and mozilla (gecko) can be used to create the 
PDFs just like how I want them to appear, but both of them require 
manual, interactive steps (load page, select print, 'print to ps/pdf' or 
some such).

So the question is, how can I script interactivity with either of these 
two programs?

Any ideas will be much appreciated!



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