disable autocomplete of the home path

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Mon Feb 5 22:55:36 UTC 2007

Rares Vernica wrote:
> Hi,
> In Bash, when I type something like "~/" and I press TAB, the "~" is 
> replaced with the path to my home (e.g. "/home/username"). I would like 
> to turn this feature off. Is it possible?
> I don't want to turn off the other auto-completion features, like 
> directory and file names auto-completion, just the "~" replacement.

The shell Zsh acts this way, and has much more powerful and customizable
(though I don't think this can be customized) completion behavior.

Try it:

sudo apt-get install zsh

Matthew Flaschen

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