Sharing files between Ubuntu 6.06 and Windows XP Pro - best disk format to use

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at
Mon Feb 5 08:02:41 UTC 2007

Yagnesh Desai <ynd at> writes:

> BTW one of the reason M$ coming out with NTFS is that Linux started
> seamlessly w/r to FAT32. Else they would have even continued throwing
> FAT32 (SX@#%@) at M$ faithful client.

Oh, please.  

According to Wikipedia, NTFS got released in July 1993 with Windows NT
3.1 (first version of NT)[1].  At that point, Linus hadn't even released
1.0 of the linux kernel[2]. 


John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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