Controlling servers (e.g. apache, samba)

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Sun Feb 4 23:50:00 UTC 2007

Eric Dunbar wrote:
> On 03/02/07, Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at> wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Feb 2007 00:58:38 -0500
>> "Jeffrey F. Bloss" <jbloss at> wrote:
>>>> Is there a licencing issues that prevents it from living in the Ubuntu
>>>> repositories?
>>> Don't have a clue. :)
>>> Since it's mucking around with a wide variety of software, I suppose
>>> it's entirely possible one of the modules or whatever is licensed oddly.
>> My understanding is that the Debian and Ubuntu Webmin packages are no
>> longer maintained. I seem to recall there was a collective sigh of relief
>> on the developers' mailing list at the time ;-)
> So does this mean that the source from Webmin is no longer relevant to Ubuntu?
>> I don't think there's a licensing issue - but there was, umm, some
>> criticism of Webmin IIRC... </understatement>
> Is there an alternative solution for us mere mortals (i.e.
> non-hardcore computer geeks) to controlling the system/servers from a
> central user interface (especially, a web-browser accessible one)?
  but the latest version of webmin is available on their website in a 
.deb package.. what's the big deal? Go and download that and install 
with gdebi, dpkg or whatever.

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