Can't copy Akregator folder to flash drive

John B jwbee4802 at
Sun Feb 4 03:50:53 UTC 2007

I am running Ubuntu Dapper Drake with only the Gnome desktop.

I am using Akregator.

I installed Akregator on another PC which is an identical installation and wanted to copy the entire Akregator folder from PC 1 to PC 2 so I could have all my data, preferences, etc. on PC 2.

When I try to copy the Akregator folder to my flash drive, I get this message:

Error "Invalid parameters" while copying "home/john...rss2.mk4"

I was able to move my entire Pan folder over this way.

Any ideas about what I can do to copy this folder so I can use it on PC 2?


John B.

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