Mounting NTFS into Ubuntu

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sat Feb 3 04:02:35 UTC 2007

Eric Dunbar wrote:
> So why isn't NTFS supported natively?

My understanding is that it's proprietary and sparsely documented.

 It's been around for a long time
> (a decade? or more?) and it seems that most Linux users are from the
> Windows world (especially from the "pro"/"hacker" side of things

I would guess you're wrong here.  The hardcore people mostly started
with UNIX, I think.

> would be more inclined to be using the more robust server-like
> features of Windows NT/XP Pro).

Again, I'm not sure, but I think NTFS is less robust than e.g. ReiserFS
for typical use.

Matthew Flaschen

> Eric.
> On 02/02/07, James Bertelson <james at> wrote:
>>  You'll want to use ntfs-3g.  Note that it's still "experimental" but pretty
>> stable.  I've had no problems, large writes are a bit slow though.
>>  To install:
>>  aptitude install ntfs-3g
>>  then change your mount command to:
>>  mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/winxp -t ntfs-3g
>>  Or add it to your /etc/fstab file to mount on boot with the line below:
>>  /dev/hda1 /mnt/winxp ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
>>  On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 21:48 -0500, Eric Dunbar wrote:
>>  Hello all, I'm trying to mount an NTFS formatted partition into Ubuntu
>> as a READ-WRITE partition without success.
>> Each time I try mounting it I can only get it as a "read-only file
>> system". I've tried numerous tricks as reported for the Ubuntu Live
>> CDs (in "rescue" mode) and they've all come up blank:
>> e.g.
>> mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/winxp -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222
>> This gives me read-only access to NTFS (my apologies if this is a
>> no-brainer question... I've never had to deal with NTFS partitions
>> before).
>> How can I _write_ to the NTFS partition?
>> Thanks, Eric.
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