Mounting NTFS into Ubuntu

James Silverton .jim.silverton at
Sat Feb 3 03:44:38 UTC 2007

Hello, Eric!
You wrote  on Fri, 2 Feb 2007 21:48:15 -0500:

 ED> Each time I try mounting it I can only get it as a
 ED> "read-only file system". I've tried numerous tricks as
 ED> reported for the Ubuntu Live CDs (in "rescue" mode) and
 ED> they've all come up blank:

 ED> e.g.
 ED> mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/winxp -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222

 ED> This gives me read-only access to NTFS (my apologies if
 ED> this is a no-brainer question... I've never had to deal
 ED> with NTFS partitions before).

 ED> How can I _write_ to the NTFS partition?

I'm no expert on this subject but you might be interested in the 
January 2007 issue of Linux Pro Magazine. It's a British 
magazine I think but it's readily available in Borders and 
Barnes and Noble etc. The featured topic is accessing Windows 
partitions and there seem to be quite a few programs available.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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