Newsreaders for Ubuntu and Linux

James Silverton .jim.silverton at
Fri Feb 2 18:41:44 UTC 2007

Hello, Tony!
You wrote  on Fri, 2 Feb 2007 09:33:28 -0500:

TK> Because it is web based it is platform and computer
TK> independent.  You can log in and check your feeds from
TK> anywhere with an internet connection.  It also handles
TK> podcasts feeds.

TK> On 2/07, James Silverton <.jim.silverton at>
??>> I have been experimenting with the live disc version of
??>> Ubuntu 6.10 and have been very impressed with the programs
??>> made available and am coming close to nerving myself to do
??>> a full installation. I was disappointed not to be able to
??>> find an online newsreader. Is there any consensus as to
??>> the best such newsreaders for Ubuntu or Linux in general?
??>>  James Silverton
??>> Potomac, Maryland
??>> --
??>> ubuntu-users mailing list
??>> ubuntu-users at
??>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
Thanks very much to everyone who replied so promptly and
informatively. I can see that I am going to to have to do a lot
of testing when I install Ubuntu. It's really a pity that the
Ubuntu 6.10
live disk does not seem to allow experimentation here. Knoppix
(an absolutely wonderful achievement, IMHO) allows a great deal
of testing and I have been rather pleased with Knode and
Thunderbird. Of course, Knode is oriented to KDE like Knoppix

Being rather conservative, I tend to like those mail and news
readers that somewhat resemble the much abused Outlook Express,
especially as used by me in its FidoLook incarnation (note the
appearance of the quotes in this post). Outlook Express has
deficiencies in setting rules but a kill-file is simple.

I noticed that I received a number of duplicate replies, ie.
both to me
and the group. Unfortunately, insists on a real e-mail
address not the obvious but munged one I use on other servers.
This has the double advantage of preventing duplication and
frustrating spamming address robots.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations as used on other news servers: 

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