Dkop backup program

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Feb 2 13:37:52 UTC 2007

Brian Lunergan wrote:

> Dave M wrote:
>> has anyone tried using the Dcop backup program
>> ( with Ubuntu (6.06 or 6.10). I do
>> not see it in any of the the repositories. It looks like a very useful
>> tool so I am thinking of giving it a try. Curious to know if any of you
>> have been down that road and how well it works.
> Curious to know if a similar program exists for use with CD-writers. Never
> had the urge or requirement to jump to DVD so that's my backup medium of
> choice.

I don't know similar it is, but my backup program of choice is kdar, which
backs up nicely (and compactly) to CDs, with automatic slicing to fit
however large a backup you have onto as many CDs as necessary.  I haven't
yet tried to use it for DVDs but it looks like it should work, too. 

KDar, as the name implies, uses a "dar" archive format which means the disk
isn't directly readable - dkop doesn't mention any kind of compressions,
but otherwise looks much like KDar.

The only problem I've had with KDar, is that it has _always_ failed to write
more than 500MB in a slice - but I think that was cheap media!  Next time I
do a full backup, I'm going to try 220MB slices and see if it successfully
writes 3 to a disk.  I do have disks with multiple slices on them, so it
has no problem with that.

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