Newsreaders for Ubuntu and Linux

Severin Schoepke severin.schoepke at
Fri Feb 2 14:03:11 UTC 2007

Stephen R Laniel schrieb:
> By far the best is Akregator. Just do a
> sudo apt-get install akregator

But I think it's for KDE (QT based), keep that in mind when you're 
running the 'normal' Ubuntu. Of course you can use it, but the look and 
feel is a bit different...

> An alternative is to use a web-based aggregator like
> Bloglines. Then anywhere you go in the world, Linux or
> otherwise, you'll have the same RSS feeds available.

This is the best alternative in my eyes... I personally use Google 
Reader, but there are others available for people who don't want a 
Google account...

- Severin

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