Newsreaders for Ubuntu and Linux

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Fri Feb 2 13:51:13 UTC 2007

On 02/02/07, James Silverton <.jim.silverton at> wrote:
> I have been experimenting with the live disc version of Ubuntu
> 6.10 and have been very impressed with the programs made
> available and am coming close to nerving myself to do a full
> installation. I was disappointed not to be able to find an
> online newsreader. Is there any consensus as to the best such
> newsreaders for Ubuntu or Linux in general?

Nope - no consensus. The number of newsreaders out there is large and
everyone has differing requirements. Try a few, pick one and then bring it
up in religious arguments about which is the better newsreader/email

Despair - It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black...
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