GnuPG front ends

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Fri Feb 2 10:16:39 UTC 2007

Patton Echols wrote:

> Is there a T'bird plugin?  I don't recall seeing one.  What I'd done
> in windows is just copy the email to clipboard,sign that, then paste
> back. same for decrypt.  It's all I really need to do.

You mean a GnuPG plugin for Thunderbird?

Sure there's one...

As far as your question about which files to back up before installing
Seahorse, you might as well grab everything in your ~/.gnupg directory,
your ~/.bashrc, and your ~/.bash_profile. I *think* that should cover
it, and I'm not 100% sure you really need both the .bash* files but if I
recall correctly Seahorse used one or the other to automatically
create a gpg-agent socket when you log in. Which includes every time
you open a terminal, too. :(

You shouldn't be too buggered up anyway, it's not like gpg won't work or
anything, and if you want to quit using the agent you comment out the
"use-agent" entry in gpg.conf. It's stopping all the extra sockets
(really just files) being created and housekeeping that's a pain.

And no, I can't think of any *compelling* reason to switch to
Claws-Mail. It will make you smarter and better looking, but if you're
like me that's not really an issue. <grinning>

     _ _      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-oOO-(_)-OOo-------------------------------[ Groucho Marx ]---
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