smbfs share, sd card, mounting question

Sam Fielder srf10130 at
Mon Dec 31 20:02:40 UTC 2007

I am trying to set up my laptop to do the following:

-When I am at home (attached to my network):
    -auto mount a network share containing my music library
    -auto mount my 4Gb SD card (if present)
    -be able to transfer a playlist to the SD card for later

-When away (not connected to network or internet):
    -auto mount SD card
    -listen to previously synced playlist

    -be able to mount/umount the network share and the SD card from the gui

-what is working:
    -syncing playlist to SD card with Amarok when (SD and smb share) mounted
    -SD mounts on boot
-Not working
    -Cannot umount SD card or network share(when mounted) from the gui: /


                      /[mntent]: line 17 in /etc/fstab is bad: only root
                      can unmount UUID=364B-50C2 from /media/mmcblk0p1/

    -network share doesn't mount at boot

I don't think my fstab is setup right. If someone could point me in the 
right direction I would appreciate it.


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