Ken McLennan
kenrmcl at mysoul.com.au
Mon Dec 31 01:52:55 UTC 2007
Steve Flynn wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2007 6:06 PM, Kent Paul Dolan <xanthian at well.com> wrote:
>> Was there some reason you sent us the entire digest
>> TWICE, once in mangled plain text destroyed by
>> quoted-printable encoding, once again destroyed by
>> HTML markup, and then tried to unsubscribe via the
>> group rather than as instructed at the bottom of
>> every posting, like so?
>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
>> All that does is annoy people, it surely doesn't get
>> you unsubscribed.
> It's the 3rd time Peter has attempted to unsubscribe. I've unsubbed
> him once - all he has to do it reply to the email the mail manager has
> sent him...
Well it's not really that hard to do the unsubscriby thing. I've even
managed it myself before now. It's nearly as easy as subscribing to
begin with.
Could it be that Peter should be filed under "Troll"?
See ya
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