Gnome Sudoku

Corey Bettenhausen corey at
Sun Dec 30 06:34:34 UTC 2007

Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that once you solved the sudoku puzzle, they are
> disappearing in the details tab.
> I have solved some easy puzzles, and wondering if all puzzles had been
> solved, what will happen?
I'm not sure what exactly you're describing.  In my version (2.18.1) in 
the "File" menu, there are commands to generate new puzzles then or 
while you play.  If I choose to create puzzles, the program randomly 
creates puzzles and bins them into one of the three levels.  So, if you 
happen to do all of the puzzles, you can create more with a click of the 
mouse.  With billions of possible games, I doubt you'll get through them 
all.  You have a lifetime of Sudoku enjoyment ahead of you!

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