Laptop keyboard issue

Kent Paul Dolan xanthian at
Sat Dec 29 23:27:38 UTC 2007

Keith Clark <keithclark1966 at> wrote:

I seem to be having a problem with my Compaq R400 laptop keyboard in Ubuntu.  I will be typing away, like creating this message, and all of a sudden I am typing in another unrelated text box somewhere.  It happens often, but in XP I've never seen the issue before so it should not be a hardware problem.

Any thoughts?


From: Martin Walshe <plasticman3327 at>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:18:22 PM

Sorry if it sounds silly keith but you said any thoughts :)

By any chance are you accidentally hitting off the
touch pad on your laptop causing a mouse click.
Perhaps the sensitivity is higher in ubuntu than in
xp for you.

I only say this cause it happens when when i have
the touch pad on alot cause im clumsy >.<


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:20:53 -0800 (PST)
From: keithclark1966 at

I don't think so Martin.  I thought about this at
first but even when I'm very careful it seems to


xanthian writes:

I had the same problem with SimplyMepis, on an HP
Pavilion laptop, in an ancient Debian distribution,
so this may be a "Debian level" problem. There was
_lots_ of noise being generated, apparently _by the
OS USB driver_, in the USB connections, and since I
use a USB laser mouse with my laptop rather than the
built in touchpad, that noise was interpreted as
mouse events. The mouse cursor would jump around the
screen at random and there were also enough false
mouse clicks being generated that the keyboard focus
would shift to another window, or to none, without
warning, causing results similar to those you

Replacing SimplyMepis with the Ubuntu Gutsy release
fixed the problem for me, so if you're running an
older Ubuntu or other Debian-type distribution, that
might be something to fix to see if it affects your

xanthian, the below ancient quote from a
comp.sys.amiga.* participant  also pertains to
any advice from me.

   I know a lot less ... than many of the readers
    ..., so I'm probably wrong and you shouldn't
    have read this message at all.  Just because
    I'm trying to be helpful doesn't mean I know
              what I'm talking about.
                 -- Jonathan Kamens

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