Kubuntu and USB to DSL Modem

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Sat Dec 29 21:09:44 UTC 2007

Willis wrote:
> I have a 2Wire DSL connection and my wife is on a hpna connector through 
> the phone line and my Ubuntu unit is connected to the modem through the 
> only RJ-46 connector and my windows/Kubuntu unit is connected via the 
> USB connection.  My problem is that I am not hooked up to the network on 
> the kubuntu through the USB.  If I boot in the XP it all works 
> beautifully.  #What must I do to solve my problem and use the Kubuntu 
> via the USB connection or is it even possible?

sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules ?

does ubuntu see your usb device?


what do those return?


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