Sendmail configuration problems

Kent Paul Dolan xanthian at
Fri Dec 28 21:08:25 UTC 2007


> Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 05:10:49 +1030
> From: "Trevor Tregoweth" <ttregoweth at>

> I am having trouble setting up sendmail on ubuntu

> I am using webmin to do the configuration

> Operating system         Ubuntu Linux 6.10

> Sendmail version 8.13.8,        config V10/Berkeley

> When I try to do the sendmail M4 configuration file,
> I get the following error:

> Failed to build configuration :

> NONE:0: m4: ERROR: EOF in string

> If anyone can help or has some useful tips, I would
> greatly appreciate them.

> Thanks heaps

Trust the error message to mean what it says,
the M4 parser got to the end of the file before
it got to the end of a string. I.e., you have
an unmatched string delimiter somewhere in that
file. If you edit with vim(), it has a delimiter
matching function in the "%" key which should help
you do the needed check.


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