Life on the Command Line

Hal Burgiss hal at
Fri Dec 28 18:55:20 UTC 2007

On Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 12:59:08PM -0500, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> w3m for web. And in case someone has the bad manners to send you html
> email, mutt will use w3m (or lynx), etc to convert to text. It has the
> added benefit of completely ignoring javascript and flash. The catdoc
> package can dump ms doc files to plain text (not docx though), and
> this can be handled by mutt as well. It can also take xls excel files to
> text/csv, while somewhat hard to read, is still much easier than
> trying to wade through native xls. If you do irc, there is a text
> based irc client (I forget the name offhand). There is a text
> based file manager, mc, or midnight commander (though use of find,
> grep and friends is superior on most counts). And command line
> versions of the apt* tools. There is a screen saver 'cmatrix' based on
> the movie. A geek must-have thing. Probably lots of other good stuff
> too.

I can't leave off ncftp for ftp. Almost forgot.


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