locate not finding files

Tim Frost timfrost at xtra.co.nz
Fri Dec 28 05:22:59 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-12-27 at 23:00 -0600, Christopher Lemire wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Why does locate not find files in my other partition that other
> applications can find. I haven't tried Beagle yet.
> chris at ubuntu:~/sauerbraten experiement$ sudo updatedb 
> [sudo] password for chris:
> chris at ubuntu:~/sauerbraten experiement$ locate -i prorat
> chris at ubuntu:~/sauerbraten experiement$ find /media/sdb2/ -iname
> '*prorat*'
> /media/sdb2/ProRat_v1.9
> /media/sdb2/ProRat_v1.9/ProRat.exe 
> chris at ubuntu:~/sauerbraten experiement$ 
/media is explicitly ignored in the default configuration (it is listed
in the PRUNEPATHS variable in /etc/updatedb.conf, and find will not
search directories listed in that variable).

/media is mostly used for CD/DVD/floppy devices that are not permanently
mounted.  You may be best advised to move the mount point for sdb2 to
somewhere other than /media (/disks/sdb2 for instance)


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