[gutsy] enabling repositories without synaptic

Corey Bettenhausen corey at 31415926535.com
Fri Dec 28 03:15:31 UTC 2007

Donald Raikes wrote:
> hello,
> Since synaptic is not a ccessible using orca, is there another way to
> enable all the repositories for apt-get?
> Along the same lines is there a way to enable updates since the updates
> manager is also not accessible?
Synaptic is just a GUI frontend to various commandline apt programs. 
Apt repositories are listed in /etc/apt/sources.list.  You can just add 
entries to this file using your text editor of choice.  To get any 
available updates, from a terminal type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

For more information, 'man apt-get'.

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