how many partitions/os can I put on 1 hdd

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Dec 27 23:20:59 UTC 2007

Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> Em Tuesday 25 December 2007 16:05:17 anthony baldwin escreveu:
>> We have successfully done it.
>> My daughter has created her own livecd for her 3rd grade science fair.
>> How many 8 year olds have done that, eh?
> Kudos! Parabéns! Congratulations!

>> Here is her page:
> Do I see a 'Cristo Redentor' on the bootsplash image?

Não, é simplesmente o "font" Christian Participants que faz
as letra com um curz no centro, mas, a minha filha iria gostar um
splash com Cristo Redentor, com certeza.
Usou o font porque assiste aula numa escola católica.

> regards
> FF


Translation & Interpreting

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