Tim M southern.tim at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 23:08:39 UTC 2007

On 12/27/07, debian <debiani386 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 07:03 -0600, Tim M wrote:
> > Last night I was told by my know it all brother-in-law that WEP
> > security was completely worst less. I am not sure I believe him but he
> > might be correct. I am not sure I know how to use WPA and really don't
> > want to mess with it but I also want my two computers and small server
> > safe. So can anyone fill me in on the subject and whether I need to
> > figure out how to setup WPA on my Netgear router and Dell Inspiron
> > 1200 laptop?
> > Tim
> well, he is right that WEP is worse the WPA. WPA is the newest type of
> wireless security and the securest out there. Im not sure about your
> particular router, but some routers will allow you to open your internet
> browser, then type in their address (usually or
> and enable WPA that way.
> --cj

Thanks to everyone for the help! Following everyone's help it was a
painless operation that worked the first time. Not many things work
the first time for me because I am such a klutz when it comes to OS.
Part of the problem is I have memory problems . . . anyway, many


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