Linux kernel 2.4 on Ubuntu 7.10 howto?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Dec 27 17:40:32 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Steve Flynn wrote:
>> On Dec 26, 2007 7:44 PM, Victor Sterpu <victor at> wrote:
>>> The problem with rephrasing is that Gerald is actualy right to ask that
>>> question.
>> I don't believe he is. I wasn't aware that anyone had to have
>> justification for wanting to do something with their installation -
>> the members of this list have no reason to know WHY a user wants to do
>> something - as the poster said, it's not actually important why he
>> wants to install a 2.4 kernel or what hardware he wants to use, just
>> that he does...
> Irrelevant.  He asked for a 2.4 kernel because he said it's needed for the
> hardware.  If he just wanted a 2.4 kernel, I'd _still_ ask why.  I actually
> am pretty sure I could get the 2.4 kernel he wants without recompiling
> anything, but I think it just leads to more complications than getting his
> hardware working with a current kernel.
It's probably not really a scanner.
He probably has some device to take control of all
satellites in orbit or all nuclear warheads or something,
and needs the kernel for that, and just doesn't want to tell us.
Of course, at least he's smart to enough to know, if you want to
rule the world, you'd best use Linux...


Translation & Interpreting

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