[Gutsy]Looking for a program that analyzes a file and makes a "best guess" attempt to identify or provide information

John Toliver john.toliver at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 17:24:11 UTC 2007

Does a program exist which you can call, then point to a specific
file, and then makes an attempt at analyzing what the file is?
Searching in synaptic reveals many very specific analyzers, primarily
for things like log files, or packet analyzers etc.  What I would
like, is a CLI program (no need for gui) I can script and add to my
context menu so that when I encounter a file I don't recognize I can
simply right click and say "analyze file", and the system will tell me
what it can about the file.

If my approach is wrong, how does one go about analyzing files when
they don't know what they are?

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